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Want to Make a Career in Sports? Here’s All You Need to Know!

  • 18 September 2018

In the famous words of Billie Jean King, “Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and to lose, it teaches you about life”. This one line sums it all up for any aspiring sportsperson who dream to be the pride of the game and achieve new heights of success. Sports are made of dreams, determinations, hard work, and an equally hardcore love,and that is what keepschampions playing until they get it right.

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We, at the JP International School, believe that sports should, in fact, be an essential part of life that helps to keep one fit, active, determined, and full of vigor.We hence always strive to encourage our young budding minds to rise up in sports alongside valuable schooling. In today’s world, it has become increasingly important for children to nurture their talents in sports and other activities rather than bluntly pursuing the academics half-heartedly. We believe that excellence is where the heart is, and therefore as a premier educational Institute, we take special care in providing the young ones with not only world-class academic education but also equal encouragement in sportsto let the young athletes explore new horizons of success in such a venture.

The basic training of any sports starts from a very primal stage in the life of the child. It is usually where the child learns the basic of a particular sport and adopts it into his or her lifestyle. There are a variety of sports to choose from,but it usually starts with the game that the adolescent mind finds the most interesting and can easily connect with. Following are a few things that any sports person must follow to define success in the field:

Working with a coach: Skills without direction amounts to nothing,and the same holds true for any sports. The coach plays a vital part in providing valuable insights and direction to the skills of the young athletes and helps the childto achieve targets with tactical efficiency. Big names like Kumar’s Cricket Academy, Gopichand Badminton Academy, DAA Football Academy, and many more are known to excel in fostering the pool of talent in the respective sports and have been known to create great achievers.

Maintaining a strict health regime: It is very important for a sportsperson to be in the prime of health to attain success in the field. A proper health regime not only helps the child to maintain a fit and energetic attitude towards his or her daily activities but also show self-awareness. AsMahatma Gandhionce quoted, “It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”,and we all can attest to the truth of such a statement.

Punctuality and focus: To excel in any field, onerequires not only great focus but also a strict punctual attitude that is self-induced. Any athlete who loves a game enough would be willing to sacrifice each and every luxury for it.  It is the attitude that separates winners from the regular. Early morning practice, showing up on time, having laser-like focus while practicing the game are all attributes that point towards success and help to come over the hurdles that appear along the path.

Mentality and positive attitude: As the famous acronym goes, a winner is afraid of losing while everybody else is afraid of trying. Mentality and positive attitude define success. We believe that if you have the mentality, positive attitude, and hunger for success, then you have already won half of the game. Psychologists have proven that having a positive attitude not only acts as a booster to mental health but also induces confidence and the physical ability to outperform.

Optimism and ability to adapt: True sports is not just about winning, it is also to stand up tall even after you have lost and to keep trying. Perseverance, optimism, and an ability to adapt are imperative to success as the road is not always expected to be silky smooth. Field of sports is a heavily competitive area. Therefore, to succeed, one must be flexible and have an optimistic yet hard working ideology.

The present age has seen a lot of changes in the way we look at sports. Today, the art of playing a particular game hold as much importance as theeducation. Parents also show a marked increase in taking the interest of their childrenin sports to the next level. We, at JPIS, understand the importance of such an aspect of sports and strive toimbibe the same values in our pupils, nurturing their innate talents and providing a valuable boost to theirpassion in sports. JPIS, one of the Top 10 International schools of Greater Noida, believe that sportsis not just about playing a game; it is a way of life born out of desire, grit, and determination. In the words of Confucius,“choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”,and nothing holds truer than this one valuable statement in this aspect. Success is only guaranteed if you have the will to believe in it, and we always see to it that with our world-class education and step-by-step support, each of our pupils attain success in what whatever professional path they opt for in future.

- JP International School

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