lesson | Best Schools in Greater Noida | Top Schools in Noida – JP International https://www.jpinternational.co.in Thu, 24 Mar 2022 10:17:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.12 https://www.jpinternational.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/cropped-jpis-icon-32x32.png lesson | Best Schools in Greater Noida | Top Schools in Noida – JP International https://www.jpinternational.co.in 32 32 ISA PROJECT OF BRITISH COUNCIL https://www.jpinternational.co.in/isa-project-of-british-council/ Thu, 30 May 2019 10:27:43 +0000 http://www.jpinternational.co.in/?p=12232 INDIAN NATIONAL GAMES V/S OTHER COUNTRIES NATIONAL GAMES (India-Hockey, Bangladesh-Kabaddi, Sri Lanka-Cricket and France-Football) Teacher’s Report for Blog Ms. BharatiKumari Games and Sports are the integral and quintessential part of our lives and spirits and when it comes to National Games the flavor of nationalism and patriotism adds to multiple folds. Under this project the […]

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(India-Hockey, Bangladesh-Kabaddi, Sri Lanka-Cricket and France-Football)

Teacher’s Report for Blog

Ms. BharatiKumari

ISA PROJECT OF BRITISH COUNCILGames and Sports are the integral and quintessential part of our lives and spirits and when it comes to National Games the flavor of nationalism and patriotism adds to multiple folds. Under this project the students got a wonderful opportunity of inculcating and going behind the basics of the games like Hockey, Kabaddi, Cricket and Football. They were enriched with showers of knowledge on the Mentioned projects as listed under:

  • VISIT TO JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU STADIUM NEW DELHI& JP sports complex Greater noida

Through the activities like Virtual Tour of National Sports Museum and visits of Stadium was conducted, the students were able to develop their understanding on the history of the games and their impact on the lives of the people socially, morally, emotionally and spiritually.

Inter-house Competition & Quiz Competition not only brought out the competitive spirit and enthusiasm among the students but also fueled the values like passion, determination, teams manship and will to win in all situations.

Collage Making Activity and Chart Making Activity provided them a space for displaying their creative skills in a picturesque way in which they highlighted their most loved sportsman in glittering colors followed by their achievements in texts and pictures form.

Researched based work ignited their love for the game and the scientific and innovative mind worked wonders as they were able to bring out the basis for rules and regulations used in the games which added for interesting study which they tabulated in attractive forms.

The feedback forms from the teachers and parents about the various activities conducted added to a detailed study of the project. Their corporation and guidance made this project an easy task to accomplish.

This project provided an insight into the world of sports to everyone involved. It was a wonderful opportunity gifted by the British Council to work on a project like this. Hoping such projects in future also find a space in my schedule.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely




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Top Life Lessons that Children Learn at School https://www.jpinternational.co.in/top-life-lessons-that-children-learn-at-school/ Thu, 23 May 2019 10:37:28 +0000 http://www.jpinternational.co.in/?p=12238 School is the first and the primary institution that plays a critical role in a  character building in a child’s life. Starting from the early days to the matured times, the school remains at the center of all the events that shape up a child into a human being. The values, the teachings, and the […]

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School is the first and the primary institution that plays a critical role in a  character building in a child’s life. Starting from the early days to the matured times, the school remains at the center of all the events that shape up a child into a human being. The values, the teachings, and the guidance that a child gains at school remains engraved in his/her mind for the rest of life. There are some lessons that lie beyond the periphery of the curriculum, and such lessons are better known as life lessons. The daily life introduces every child to some conflicts, problems, disappointments, and major knockdowns. If a child learns the right way to deal with life and its inevitable set of problems, it becomes easier for the young minds to row through the turbulent tides of life. Here are some of the significant life lessons that children can become aware of with proper guidance from the school.

Fight the negativity

Children often get discouraged or feel poignant listening to comments regarding their behavior or performance. The world outside is a rough place where the tender minds can anytime be hurt. This is where the school comes forward to encourage the students to make them feel confident and positive. At JP International School, we have maintained an environment where no negative discussions or approaches are practiced or encouraged in any form. This keeps the ambiance motivating and enables the children to learn to fight the negativity around them.

Focus on positive things

School teaching always concentrates on positive aspects of life and never wraps the knowledge with any negative vibes. Students get to know about inspiring people and their achievements in classes and beyond classrooms as well. These personalities impact the young minds immensely and motivate the students to drive them towards achieving a specific goal following their role model. This attitude and learning are much helpful in making the children determined and focused in life.

Honesty is the best virtue

From the very first day at school, students are taught that honesty is the best virtue of all, which indeed helps in their character building. Once children adopt the policy of honesty and instill the same in their character, they carry the virtue for the rest of life for every path they choose to walk on.

Respect and self-respect

School education always teaches children the values and morals that are a must to build a strong character, and learning to respect others regardless of their socio-economic status is one of the chief factors. At school, children are taught to maintain their self-respect to honor their being.

Value of sharing

Right from the days of early childhood, kids learn to share lunch with friends, and this small activity lays the foundation for the greater virtue of sharing in the future. Once a child perceives the joy in sharing, a valuable life lesson gets instilled successfully. It is also an integral part of the moral values that help shape the overall character of a child and enables his/her transformation into a civilized, responsible human being.

Spirit of teamwork

Learning the true meaning of teamwork is a critical aspect of life. The projects, club activities, sports activities, and the educative excursions at school prepare the children as independent souls who very well understand the essence of cumulative efforts and helping each other in the times of need.

We, at JP International School, recognized as the Best CBSE School in Noida, make sure that regardless of the age and class, each student of ours goes through a learning process that enriches them with the requisite life lessons that help them to stay safe and strong through the twisted journey of life. Following the virtue of honesty, maintaining correlation with the surroundings, staying positive amidst the difficult times, crossing limits to achieve goals, and learning to respect everything and everyone under the sun are some of the vital life lessons that we strive to get engraved in the tender minds at our school.

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ISA PROJECT “FIBRE TO FABRIC” https://www.jpinternational.co.in/isa-project-fibre-to-fabric/ Wed, 22 May 2019 11:16:35 +0000 http://www.jpinternational.co.in/?p=12201 Teacher’s Incharge-  Ms. Jyotisana Chaku Though students did many activities and projects during their academic session 2018-19 which became the source to enhance their knowledge in one way or the other, but the activities and projects related to ISA projects have become the ultimate source of knowledge for them as they have done various activities […]

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Teacher’s Incharge-  Ms. Jyotisana Chaku

Though students did many activities and projects during their academic session 2018-19 which became the source to enhance their knowledge in one way or the other, but the activities and projects related to ISA projects have become the ultimate source of knowledge for them as they have done various activities under the banner of Repute ‘British Council’.

One such project was ‘FIBRE TO FABRIC’, and to accomplish this task zealous JPIS students of classes 6th and 8th collected the information and material related to the engaged countries namely India, Bangladesh and Italy.  They worked together to highlight the process of fabric from the basics of yarns like cotton from India, jute from Bangladesh and polyester from Italy. They prepared files & charts by gathering all the relevant information & material with the help of the teacher in charges.

They extended their information and knowledge about Cotton, Jute & Polyester by highlighting the history, origin, method of production, apparel, etc.

In addition to enhancing the knowledge about ‘fiber’ & ‘fabric’, the students prepared beautiful dresses of related countries, with the help of their peers and teachers and participated in a fashion show as a part of the project activity.

The students visited a loom house to observe the process of yarn converting into the fabric, minutely.

Reaching towards accomplishment step by step, gaining information and knowledge, was a great achievement and a fun learning experience for the students. It gave them exposure to meet various people concerned with their project. Even parents supported their children enthusiastically. We, the teachers and students of JPIS have learned numerous things, expanded our horizons and gained knowledge. The most valuable part was sharing the knowledge we with our peer teachers and most importantly the children.

We, convey our heartfelt thanks to the British Council and our respected Principal Ms. Heema Sharma for providing this wonderful opportunity of becoming a part of such a project of International Importance.

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JP INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BRITISH COUNCIL ISA PROJECT https://www.jpinternational.co.in/jp-international-school-british-council-isa-project/ Fri, 17 May 2019 05:14:36 +0000 http://www.jpinternational.co.in/?p=12198 “TRADITIONAL   ART ” “Art speaks where words are unable to explain”. No doubt art is a speechless expression of one’s thoughts, ideas and imaginations. Edward de Bolo said, “Creativity gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea”. Students of JP International School , Greater Noida, worked on a project of British Council for “TRADITIONAL […]

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“Art speaks where words are unable to explain”. No doubt art is a speechless expression of one’s thoughts, ideas and imaginations.

Edward de Bolo said, “Creativity gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea”.

Students of JP International School , Greater Noida, worked on a project of British Council for “TRADITIONAL ART”, in relation of the countries like Greece, South Africa and Egypt. …. To understand the soul of traditional arts of these countries, they had multi-level activities to accomplish the project.

It was highly informative and encouraging for the students from grades 5- 12 to have research work, visits of famous art galleries and interview of the renowned artists. They made collage and paintings and showcased their hard work and talent through exhibition, which was highly appreciated by the teachers, parents, peers and visitors.  Their enthusiasm & spirit was remarkable at the time of debate competition. The debate was based on the art related questions associated with the concern countries and was really an activity of learning with fun. Even children were so well prepared to fight and to win.

Project like this are always a reason to bring the world closer. They provide a huge platform to the students to know more about other countries, cultures, traditions and contributions to various streams.

British Council has been a great source of such opportunities for the students to enhance their skills and confidence, and to showcase the zeal & talent . So , through this art project students have earned many feathers in terms of confidence, knowledge and exposure .

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Expansion of Student Skills for Academic and Professional Success https://www.jpinternational.co.in/expansion-of-student-skills-for-academic-and-professional-success/ Sun, 28 Apr 2019 18:27:51 +0000 http://www.jpinternational.co.in/?p=12134 Non-scholastic abilities are as essential as academic skills and both serve as a boon in the journey of one’s life. As we can already experience as a part of the twenty-first-century population, the world we live in is evolving and advancing radically with the rolling of time, and along with it, our means, methods, and […]

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Non-scholastic abilities are as essential as academic skills and both serve as a boon in the journey of one’s life. As we can already experience as a part of the twenty-first-century population, the world we live in is evolving and advancing radically with the rolling of time, and along with it, our means, methods, and maneuver of survival are also molding before we are even getting to realize. Be it one’s personal life, academic life, or professional life, every single aspect requires more in-depth attention and efforts in order to keep everything moving in a loop. Having said that, nurturing and developing the children of today is not just another task, and demands utmost thoughtfulness, in-depth attention, and care beyond the boundaries of academic training. The student’s skills play a significant role in helping them attain achievements encompassing both personal and professional facets of life. We, at JP International School, recognized among the top International schools in Noida, believe that it is of utmost importance to work on enhancing the life skills of children from a young age as that is the phase when young minds tend to learn and pick up abilities at their best. These skill sets also add a significant edge to their behavior, attitude, and mindset, and act as an asset in the long run.

In that sense, we, the JP International School, take immense pride in mentioning that our students have not merely achieved academic excellence, but today have turned out to be real assets for the top organizations around the world.  We believe that favorable outcomes, achievements, and attainments in one’s life shall automatically follow if the foundation of training and guidance has been firm. Demonstrated below are some of the skills that are of immense importance when it comes to gaining success and excellence in academic and professional life.

Creativity and Innovation: We believe creativity and innovation have to be on the top of the list as it is one of the foremost qualities that today’s generation requires. Innovation is something that holds high value in almost every field nowadays, and organizations are looking for valuable and creative contribution rather than rote proficiency from young professionals. Encouraging creative skills and proficiencies right from an early age is one of the best ways to shape innovative minds, and that is what the JPIS teaching pedagogies and academic curriculum focus on.

Curiosity and Imagination:  Interest-driven, self-directed learning is the most flexible and independent way in which young minds can enthusiastically learn and grow with time. Connecting, creating, and multitasking are a robust combination of skills which the next generation requires and we believe that it shall only come through their inner curiosity and power of imagination. As mentors and guides, we dedicatedly lay efforts on keeping the inner curiosity and unique interests of each child alive and active so that they can use them as a valuable tool to learn, mature, and explore. All young children have curious minds, and it is very important to entertain that trait of them in order to help them reach a point of excellence having that as an advantage.

Technical Skills and Soft Skills: Well, both of these are quite contrasting skills, but the presence of both in students is essential nowadays. With a slow, tactful, and steady approach, we induce social and technical skill enhancing practices to help our students attain an idea about the upcoming professional world and how it works ahead of time.

Smart classes, mobile application learning system, creative classes, personality development sessions, and group discussions are significant facets of the robust curriculum at JP International School. We, at JPIS, have always aimed to prepare young minds in a way so that they not only perceive their goals in a much clear way but also achieve them in a comparatively hassle-free and unchallenging way.

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What All You Can Do Upon Clearing Your Class XII https://www.jpinternational.co.in/what-all-you-can-do-upon-clearing-your-class-xii/ Mon, 25 Mar 2019 10:43:06 +0000 http://www.jpinternational.co.in/?p=12026 One of the most critical examinations that pave the way for our future career is the 12th standard board examinations. After the successful completion of the course, the path that a student chooses for pursuing the higher studies decides the progress of his/her career life ahead. A good choice leads to a successful life, and […]

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One of the most critical examinations that pave the way for our future career is the 12th standard board examinations. After the successful completion of the course, the path that a student chooses for pursuing the higher studies decides the progress of his/her career life ahead. A good choice leads to a successful life, and a lousy choice might ruin the possibilities. Hence, it is of great importance for each student to know the exact domains he/ she can join in after the XII examinations. Here in this article below, we are going to discuss the most opted avenues after class 12th which will help you get a fair idea of the options you have post completing your 12th standard boards.


Students who complete the XII standard studies with science stream can opt for taking up engineering as their path ahead. With a decent demand for engineers in the job market, this stream generally lays the way towards success. If you have an inclination towards the technical studies, then Engineering will make a great option for you.

Medical Science

Students passing the XII standard with good marks in science subject can also pursue their future in the medical studies which surely is a rewarding one. If you have an affinity towards the biological subjects, medical science would be an excellent option for you. There are entrance exams held across the nation for screening the eligible candidates to get enrolled for premium medical institutes. A medical aspirant can get started with the entrance preparations while studying in plus two levels to ensure success.

Chartered Accountancy

For students pursuing commerce, chartered accountancy is a desirable career to opt for. But studies of CA cannot be commenced immediately after completing the 12th; instead, a student needs to go through a graduation course which will bring him/her near to the CA qualifying tests. Moreover, students from the commerce stream can also consider pursuing their career in finance-related studies, law related courses, and business management courses.


Humanity is a broad category subject that accommodates multiple domains in it. Staring from regular subjects like history, geography, political science, economics, and sociology, it also encompasses unconventional streams like comparative literature, international relations, journalism and mass communication, public relation, and much more. There is no dearth of scope and opportunities for students taking up humanities for their higher studies. Dedicated learning and successful completion of the undergraduate courses may open the roads to a vast number of career opportunities in the country and beyond.

Creative Studies

If you have the knack for creativity, Fashion Designing or Interior Decoration courses might seem interesting to you. Though unconventional, these two domains belong to the emerging trends of the education world and are sure to bear the fruits of success for you with a cohesive amalgamation of your creative abilities and comprehensive learning. The global market for jobs has a greater demand for students pursuing creative learning.

We, at JP International School, ranked among the Top 10 CBSE Schools in Greater Noida, firmly believe in the unique talents and abilities of each child, and strive to offer our complete support and encouragement to help them strengthen their interests further. We believe that it is important that students opt for the course streams based on their own interests and knacks as what they choose is what they become. Our teachers take complete care to discuss with the students their areas of interest and help them explore the horizons of possibilities after the XII exams and the best way to go to for them. At JPIS, we provide our students with categorical counseling to help them pick the right path for the future depending on the personal skills of the students. We are proud to state that every alumni of JP International is well placed in their own domains today, and it was the right decision made at the right time that has helped them to excel in their respective career.

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Integrating Learning in Everyday Situations https://www.jpinternational.co.in/integrating-learning-in-everyday-situations/ Sat, 23 Feb 2019 08:51:29 +0000 http://www.jpinternational.co.in/?p=11992 “Every day of your life is another lesson. If you learn the lesson well and apply it; whether positive or negative, you determine what happens in your tomorrow.” David Kofi Awusi. The notion of ‘learning’ cannot always be associated with a purpose or motive to achieve a particular goal. Knowledge is a vast perception, and there […]

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“Every day of your life is another lesson. If you learn the lesson well and apply it; whether positive or negative, you determine what happens in your tomorrow.” David Kofi Awusi.

The notion of ‘learning’ cannot always be associated with a purpose or motive to achieve a particular goal. Knowledge is a vast perception, and there exist many facets of it. Starting from linguistic, visual, and aural to physical, one can master the art of learning in several ways encompassing varied aspects. The drastic changes in external factors like the global economy and advancements in technology have a massive influence on the way we learn today. Gone are the days when merely a degree and theoretical knowledge were adequate to attain achievements in life. The twenty-first-century era demands integrating learning in everyday life situations, and it is indeed one of the wisest ways to stimulate your learning attitude and make the most out of your everyday life scenarios.

Understanding the sheer significance of learning in everyday life

The modern-day lifestyle demands young minds to possess new life skills and adaptabilities to deal with pressurizing and stressful situations. In today’s radically evolving environment, having life skills is a vital part of being able to overcome the challenges imposed by today’s pragmatic race of life. The next-generation crowd will more likely be assigned with tasks and responsibilities in their future careers that will need them to focus on multidimensional aspects and be flexible enough to deal with complex workplace scenarios. In that sense, a strong will and enthusiasm to learn and adapt skills outside the academic boundaries is a highly valuable trait. The advantages of treasuring day-to-day life skills are endless, and they remain a lifetime asset in the long-run. Listed below are some of the key pluses of laying efforts to learn from everyday life situations:

  • Helps to master the art of collaboration and cooperation
  • Enables the development of a greater sense of self-awareness and appreciation for others
  • Instills abilities like emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and people skills
  • Aids in identifying and adopting innovative ways of thinking and solving issues
  • Helps to take quicker and better decisions

Briefly demonstrated below are some of the simple yet effective tactics to incorporate the craftsmanship of learning in everyday situations:

Encourage children to face challenges rather than avoiding them

“Nothing is more powerful than allowing yourself to be truly affected by things.” Zooey Deschanel. It is necessary for you to help your child understand that we are here to experience life and not ignore it. The right kind of parenting often involves purposefully letting your kid face certain challenges and wait for them to independently solve them.

Take advantage of teachable moments in everyday life

Teachable moments occur spontaneously, and they are there nearly all the time. The key is to notice them and take advantage at the right time to learn something better, learn something new. Whether it is in the neighborhood, the bank, the market, or right in your living room, you can always pay attention and be ready to find ways to make use of ordinary teachable moments.

Encourage children to attend social gatherings

Social gatherings can play a key role in shaping the attitudes, values, and beliefs of individuals. In fact, social gatherings are an integral part of workplace culture nowadays. Professionals who are spontaneous about social gatherings can often network better and create a powerful impression in their workplace. However, being an able socialite requires ample practice. It is even a tougher challenge if the child is an introvert by nature. Henceforth, it is imperative that you integrate the particular practice from an early stage of development. You can begin by encouraging your child to join clubs and be a part of the games and activities that interest him/her. You can also take your child to family gatherings and inspire them to attend any events or occasions that involve dealing with peers.

Today’s kids need to be trained and groomed in a much more dynamic way than ever before, which is, in fact, necessary for them to survive and thrive in this fiercely competitive and saturated world. This is why, we, at JP International School, a well-known International CBSE School in Greater Noida, always advise the parents to lay efforts towards enabling their kids to embrace learning as fun rather than something mundane and boring. On our part, we, at JPIS, have created a highly versatile and contemporary learning environment for our young budding geniuses where they can unleash each and every facet of knowledge beyond books. With a state-of-the-art teaching pedagogy, high-end teaching aids, and an intelligently designed curriculum, we aim to make our campus a valuable venture for children where they not only get to absorb information but explore their innate potentials on a daily basis. The faculty at JP International plays a key role in this aspect and leave no stone unturned when it comes to enabling the kids to grow to their fullest potential. We feel immensely proud in being able to produce students who would not only emerge as responsible professionals in the future but will also grow into sensible natation builders of tomorrow.

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Get ready to take off! https://www.jpinternational.co.in/get-ready-to-take-off/ Fri, 25 Jan 2019 12:53:40 +0000 http://www.jpinternational.co.in/?p=11950 Recently, I read this powerful story about Eagles, from the book, Even Eagles Need a Push by David McNally and Treatment of cervical erosion at home found it to be too good to be shared. Eagles are among the largest and most powerful birds in the world. They are symbols of strength, attitude and courage. […]

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Recently, I read this powerful story about Eagles, from the book, Even Eagles Need a Push by David McNally and

found it to be too good to be shared.

Eagles are among the largest and most powerful birds in the world. They are symbols of strength, attitude and courage. But their independence must be learned.

As young eaglets, nest is the most comfortable space for them to feel safeand secure. However, if the eaglets are to survive on their own, they must leave the comfort of the nest and learn to fly!

Every time, in an attempt to teach them lesson, the eaglet is pushed by the mother off the nest so that it can learn and start flying. However, when the mother sees the eaglet going crashing down, she catches it on her back, and soars her upward into the sky. Repeatedly the process is done till the eaglet learns to catch the rising air currents and ride the winds. Eventually, a day comes when the eaglet is ready to fly on her own.

Some eaglets that refuse to use their wings and fly surrender to the fate or die. Isn’t this our story too? When we are young our parents, elders and teachers take care of us. They teach us, coach us and guide us on the future path of our lives. However, as soon as we are out of schools and colleges, we completely get disillusioned and lose track of our own personality. If your life is disoriented or you don�t know where are you headed, here are a few life lessons, I am sure you will find useful:

  • Remember your true self:An Eagle is always an eagle and never a Parrot. Remember who you are. Remember your school lessons. Look at your parents or elders who have been your role models. Get inspiration from the world around you. Life can be hard sometimes. Even the greatest and most powerful people have their weak moments or challenges. Remember your past moments of glory. Once you relate to your past achievements, you will be in a better position to find solutions.
  • Listen: Listen to the deep inner voice that is not clear but is always trying to say something. Listen to your failures. Listen to the critics and people who criticize you. Understand the script and language of your problems and challenges. Develop friendship with them. A lot of answers lie not just in our mind but deep in our consciousness too.
  • Stay Hopeful: There are times when even the biggest and the most successful celebrities witness failure and go into depression. Our present is not our future. Each day is different and therefore if you are not succeeding today, don�t lose hope. Change your approach, change your strategy, change your plan, change everything that is needed and will make you a step closer to your chosen path of success.
  • Move On: A lot of people often get stuck when they face a failure or a challenge. For example, if you are not good with mathematics and you are trying to crack IIT entrance examination, then you seriously need to relook at what you are trying to achieve and what you are good at. May be the decision to join a reputed engineering college was of your family or your peers. Don�t stay committed to anything half-hearted. Either be fully in something or move on to find out where you belong.

Vineet Tandon

Head Marketing & Strategy


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Encouraging a Culture of Questioning is Crucial https://www.jpinternational.co.in/encouraging-a-culture-of-questioning-is-crucial/ Sat, 12 Jan 2019 05:56:37 +0000 http://www.jpinternational.co.in/?p=11943 Curiosity is natural to human instinct, and the quest for the truth has always fueled the progress of civilizations. No matter how advanced we have become in terms of science and technology, the mystery of nature remains under the veil. At JP International School, one of the Best CBSE Schools in Greater Noida, we believe […]

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Curiosity is natural to human instinct, and the quest for the truth has always fueled the progress of civilizations. No matter how advanced we have become in terms of science and technology, the mystery of nature remains under the veil. At JP International School, one of the Best CBSE Schools in Greater Noida, we believe in exploring rather than merely following the previous innovations. Our highly experienced teachers with their years of experience and love for knowledge have always rendered the highest priority to the inquisitiveness of our students. We believe that the more a child asks, the more he or she is keen to unleash the truth. As parents and as teachers, we should always encourage children of every age to ask questions without hesitating to help them better understand the concepts. With our technology-driven learning classes, we always promote the sense of prying into things far deeper. Memorizing the textbook seldom takes the students nearer to the reality. Be it a subject of humanities or a science stream one, having questions always symbolizes the analytical engagement of a student with the subject in consideration. We, at JP International with our unique DECA model for learning, have adopted an innovative approach to education that follows a path of Discover, Explore, Connect, and Apply. The four steps involved in the process are intended to promote the ability of the kids to question and explore.

Asking questions helps to do away with doubts

Apart from the far-reaching effects, the tendency to ask questions also helps the learners get rid of the doubts, dilemmas, and delusions. Most important, even if we fail to deliver a satisfying answer to the query of a child, the child should still be encouraged to ask more questions and must not be left feeling over curious. If the thirst for knowledge can be kindled inside a student, the purpose of education would become clear. During our interaction with the parents and guardians, we, at JPIS, always suggest them to never to discourage the kids from asking questions and be patient with the repetitive queries. We understand that it is human to feel irritated with random queries, but it is far more important that your child gets the mental nourishment every time he or she reaches out to you. It has been tested that many a time, questions are asked to nullify some possibilities rather than arriving at a certain conclusion. If we do not encourage the same, young minds can be misled with false perceptions. Hence, it is of paramount importance that we stand patient to the queries and help our children find the best way.

Questions are a source of constant knowledge

With our motto set to deliver holistic knowledge leading to best quality education, we, at JP International School, have entailed interactive sessions along with co-scholastic activities to bring out the curious soul hidden within every child. The Chairman of our esteemed institution, Mr. Roshan Agarwal, who is a progressive personality and has implemented innovative methods in the learning process, believes that creativity and curiosity are two sides of a coin and cannot be treated in separation with each other. Innovations and creations are directly related to the new ideas which in turn are dependent on exposure to new horizons of thinking. Leaving the conventional way of thinking behind, a young mind can take a plunge into the pool of knowledge and become innovative only if it is exposed to unconditional wisdom and freedom to ask. He strongly believes that questioning is the key to new perceptions that are translated into revolutionary inventions that then help to lead the way to future.

Questioning opens up new avenues of growth and success

At JP International School, recognized as the Best International CBSE School in Greater Noida,we have always promoted the spirit of questioning among our students. We have been encouraging curious mindset our school with an exclusive program of CCIE (Centre of Creation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship) that promotes and empowers their entrepreneurial skills. It facilitates the students to invent their own ways of building a career and makes the economic backbone of the country stronger by adding volume to the pool of entrepreneurs.

As rightly said by Albert Einstein, we can only get the same result if we keep on doing the same thing over and over again. We, at JPIS, firmly believe that breaking through the convention is critically important to make a permanent impression and it can only be achieved by allowing the mind to breathe beyond the usual. We encourage our students to keep up their inquisitive spirit and always help them overcome all the confinements of the mind to become a free soul.

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How Storytelling can help Children to be Successful https://www.jpinternational.co.in/how-storytelling-can-help-children-to-be-successful/ Thu, 03 Jan 2019 07:03:02 +0000 http://www.jpinternational.co.in/?p=11879 Storytelling is one of the most beautiful and exciting activities that can help children to develop their imagination and gain a perspective of the world that we live in. In our childhood, we have all been exposed to many folklore and storytelling sessions by our parents, grandparents, and even the teachers that left us imagining […]

The post How Storytelling can help Children to be Successful appeared first on Best Schools in Greater Noida | Top Schools in Noida - JP International.

Storytelling is one of the most beautiful and exciting activities that can help children to develop their imagination and gain a perspective of the world that we live in. In our childhood, we have all been exposed to many folklore and storytelling sessions by our parents, grandparents, and even the teachers that left us imagining about fantastical things and develop an acute love for such stories. Children naturally have this immense affection towards stories. They love listening to them while getting lost in the narratives. However, besides the charm of the stories, do you know there is another powerful angle to it? Storytelling can immensely help children in being successful at academics and in other facets of life as well.

Itplays a significant role in the development of the intellect in children. It is a unique way that can help them to understand, appreciate,respect, and acknowledge the different cultures. It can also help to develop a positive attitude towards life lessons and learn the basis of morality that is essential for a healthy life. It helps them gain an innate knowledge of the environment to which they belong. Some of life’s most important lessons are learned through such stories of adventure, daring, and ethics that serve to shape the views and perceptions of the young minds, thereby contributing to their cognitive development. Listed below are some of the key advantages that participating in storytellingactivities can bring for children.

Helps to ImproveCommunication and Interaction Abilities: Apart from helpingthe children to gain a positive attitude in life, storytelling activities also serve to expand their vocabulary and grip on words. It also makesthem progressively slanted to verbalize their contemplations and emotions in a better way. It helps them to figure out how to utilize distinctive voices for the diverse characters by modifying the pitch, speed of articulation, and volume. With time, their pronunciation and elocution will make strides. Alongside talking, the listening abilities of kids will likewise enhance as they embrace different approaches to state a similar story over and over again. An enhancement in any one dialect ability, for the most part, prompts the improvement of the others. Thus, soon you will see a refinement in your kid’s phrasing and composing capacities too.

Enhancesand Polishes their Intellectual Abilities: Recollecting and rehashing stories fortifies your youngster’s memory aptitudes. Additionally, mapping and envisioning the plot of stories in his/her mind will upgrade his/herimaginative skills. These will subliminally impact the manner in which he/she approaches and examines a particular narrative. Besides, retelling stories in their very own words will help to expandtheartistic ability and creative skills as well. Furthermore, the capacities to comprehend and understand such stories will furnish them with the aptitude to deal with real life events in an effective manner.

Caters to Mold the Identity: Storytelling helps the children to better understand how the world around us functions. Having an assortment of individuals and role-play of fictional characters will empower them to associate with various age-gatherings and individuals from different backgrounds. It will ingrain in

them the capacity to connect with and support the enthusiasm of audience members. Additionally, narrating stories will also help tofurnish the kids with the capacity to build an identity of their own. All in all, it serves to advance their growth into energetic, inquisitive, and capable individuals.

Builds Social Awareness: Society owes a ton to the art of narratingstories that have kept the century-old folklores alive. From time immemorial, stories have always employed considerably more power than talks and addresses. Extraordinary pioneers use stories to express what is on their mind to the majority. Your kid’s narrating also can fill in as their vehicle of contribution to add to the network and society.

Children have an inborn love for stories. Stories make enchantment and a feeling of marvel in the world. Stories show us life, about ourselves and others. Therefore we at JP International School, one among the Top CBSE Schools in Greater Noida, emphasize on encouraging and instilling the skill of storytelling in children, which can serve as an excellent route for them to build up an understanding of the world around them. To enable our pupils to learn and master the art of storytelling, we, at JPIS, regularly organize storytelling activities and competitions among our students so that they not only learn the nitty-gritty of storytelling but also gain immensely from the same.

The post How Storytelling can help Children to be Successful appeared first on Best Schools in Greater Noida | Top Schools in Noida - JP International.
