“Yoga is the spirit of life, imbibe in it to feel spirituality and strength of health.”
International Yoga Day was celebrated by the Students , Parents and teachers virtually at J P International School with ardent spirit.
Students, parents and teachers became the witness of this proud occasion along with adding the value of YOGA in their routine. To mark the occasion many warming-up /Asanas (Paranayama, Padmasana,Tadasana, Vajrasana, PavanMuktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Bhujangasana, Shavasana, Online Quiz on yoga) were organised wherein 450 students and all teachers participated with all zeal and enthusiasm. The Yoga instructor shared the insightful of Yoga and different asanas on virtual platforms which were followed by all the participants. FIT INDIA videos were also shared with them.
The celebration concluded with motivating words of the school principal. She encouraged the students to practice yoga as it can work wonders in building the self-esteem and confidence of a student.