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Graduation Ceremony

  • 16 March 2024

It is rightly said, “To make an end is to make a beginning.” To mark the culmination of the Pre-school years, Graduation Ceremony was organised for the students of UKG on 16th March 2024. The tiny tots, their parents and teachers celebrated the progress of the young Jpians together. The event commenced with the ‘lighting of the lamp’ followed by Ganesh Vandana. Principal mam Ms. Ruby Chandel presented the Graduation Certificates to the little learners who wore graduation robes and caps with pride. The AV room was abuzz with giggles and smiles as parents and children clicked photographs at the ‘The Photo Booths’, specially created for capturing unforgettable moments of glory.

Principal mam extends heartfelt congratulations and showers blessings upon our young achievers, emphasizing the endless possibilities awaiting them in their future endeavors.

- JP International School
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