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jolly phonics

  • 27 April 2024

Pre-primary educators of JP International School  recently hosted an insightful Jolly Phonics workshop on 27th April, 2024 ,drawing eager participation from parents keen on understanding the curriculum and adopting effective teaching methods for their children. The workshop, designed to be both informative and entertaining, proved to be a hit among attendees.

Throughout the workshop, parents were introduced to new teaching techniques designed to make learning phonics fun and engaging for their young learners. From interactive games to hands-on activities, the workshop provided practical insights into incorporating Jolly Phonics into everyday learning routines at home.

One of the highlights of the event was the array of fun-filled activities that not only demonstrated the effectiveness of Jolly Phonics but also allowed parents to experience the joy of learning alongside their children. From phonics-based storytelling sessions to collaborative word-building exercises, parents were immersed in a world of playful learning.

The atmosphere was filled with excitement and enthusiasm as parents enthusiastically participated in the activities, embracing their inner child and relishing the opportunity to engage with their children's learning journey firsthand. Many expressed their delight at discovering new ways to support their child's literacy development and eagerly shared their plans to incorporate Jolly Phonics techniques into their daily interactions.

MS. Ruby Chandel our Principal Mam's presence, added a touch of authority and guidance to the proceedings, as she took the opportunity to address the parents directly, offering words of encouragement and practical advice on how to effectively support their children's learning at home. Her insights and reassurance were well-received by the parents, who left the workshop feeling empowered and equipped to tackle the challenges of early childhood education.

Overall, the Jolly Phonics workshop at JPIs was a resounding success, leaving parents feeling inspired, informed, and eager to play an active role in their children's educational journey. Through a combination of interactive learning activities, expert guidance, and parental involvement, the workshop succeeded in fostering a supportive learning community dedicated to nurturing the next generation of confident and proficient readers.

- JP International School
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