“If we want boys to succeed, we need to bring them back to education by making education relevant to them and bring in more service learning and vocational education” ~ Michael Gurian
India is fastest growing economy in the world and many new service sectors have emerged along with manufacturing creating a wealth of challenging, well-paying, highly skilled jobs for those with the skills to do them. Many of the jobs in emerging service sector are attainable as trainees to begin with. They don’t require expensive, four-year degrees for which many students are not suited. Also, the modern workplace favors those with solid, transferable skills who are open to continued learning.
Therefore, in order to integrate the skill based education with general education JPIS has constituted Centre of vocational studies,from the academic session of 2017-18. Centre of Vocational Education (CVE) will offer courses in Marketing & Sales, Banking & Insurance, Retail, Information & Technology, Bakery & confectionary, Travel & Tourism, Media management to empower its students to have independent thought process and roadmap towards their career at a young age only.