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JP International School Honored with NABET Accreditation21.01.2025

Teacher Reverence - Student Felicitation18.12.2024

The Kreativity League20.11.2024

Bronze Medal29.10.2021

Dance Competition 25.09.2021

CBSE Result 31.07.2021

Earth Day Celebration 24.04.2021

Orientation Day 11.04.2021

Hawan Ceremony At JPIS 02.04.2021

Graduation Ceremony 29.03.2021

JPIS Ranking 06.10.2020

Education News 14.07.2020

CBSE 12th Result 14.07.2020

CBSE 10th Result 10.07.2020

Virtual Tinkerfest 06.08.2020

Winter Carnival COverage 18.01.2020

Katha Utsav News 20.11.2019

BB Court News - 10.07.2019

CBSE Result 10th 07.05.2019

CBSE Result 02.05.2019

Carnival News 23.12.2018

Alumni Meet 16.12.2019

ATL launch 26.10.2018

Ranking News 02.10.2018

Debate News 24.08.2018

Investure Ceremony News 15.07.2018

Atal Lab News 05.07.2018

Board Result & Summer Camp News 30.05.2018

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