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Author: admin

Teachers are perhaps the first and most important acquaintance that children generally develop outside the boundaries of their home. The role of the teachers indeed remains influential in an individual’s life, and that doesn’t merely pertain to schooling experience but […]
One of the most challenging yet rewarding tasks has always been rearing a child in the right manner. The virtues, characteristics, and lessons that children acquire at an early age serve to shape their mind and personality, which lay the […]
Science and technology have changed the ways we lead our life. Over the last few decades, the revolutionizing inventions in the field of technology have changed our lifestyle dramatically. However, the internet can be regarded as the most influential amongst […]
Moon is one of those celestial bodies that has always stirred human imagination and curiosity with its splendid appearance and proximity. From lullabies to science books, the moon has made its mark everywhere.  Exploring the moon and its environ has […]
Nature has always remained the means of sustenance for the very survival of existence and life on our planet. This is the primary reason why we pay respect to the forces of nature by calling it Mother Earth. Ever since […]