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“TRADITIONAL   ART ” “Art speaks where words are unable to explain”. No doubt art is a speechless expression of one’s thoughts, ideas and imaginations. Edward de Bolo said, “Creativity gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea”. Students of […]
“You can’t control what goes on outside, but you can control what goes on inside.” Leading a healthy lifestyle is not as complicated as today’s world tends to make it. A healthy mind and body can be attained when you […]
Education must not solely encompass the periphery of knowledge, but should instead focus on the all-rounded development of the young minds. At JP International School, we firmly believe that it is not only the books that we read that teach […]
Unfocused students, staring into the space, in the middle of teaching is not only undesirable, but it also adds nothing to their learning, even when the teacher has created a perfect teaching plan. That’s why it is important to incorporate […]