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Owing to the growing urbanization, technological developments, fast-paced life, and dietary changes, society has undergone quite a sea change, particularly in terms of health and lifestyle. This has consequently contributed to the rise of so many lifestyle diseases. Unlike the […]
Digestive health refers to the overall well being of the digestive system that comprises of multiple organs. Starting from chewing to excretion, the food that we take goes through a long process through which the essential nutrients get absorbed into […]
INDIAN NATIONAL GAMES V/S OTHER COUNTRIES NATIONAL GAMES (India-Hockey, Bangladesh-Kabaddi, Sri Lanka-Cricket and France-Football) Teacher’s Report for Blog Ms. BharatiKumari Games and Sports are the integral and quintessential part of our lives and spirits and when it comes to National […]
The purpose of education should not remain limited to the passing of knowledge from one source to another. Instead, it should have the ability to lend students the capacity to think independently. At JP international School, we believe that it […]
The need for an effective and meaningful learning philosophy is inevitable for educational institutions as it plays a vital role in determining the purpose of education, and thereafter, the success of the organization and its students. To that end, there […]
Teacher’s Incharge-  Ms. Jyotisana Chaku Though students did many activities and projects during their academic session 2018-19 which became the source to enhance their knowledge in one way or the other, but the activities and projects related to ISA projects […]